Evergreen Mission

“To make disciples of all people in all places and teach them to become fully devoted followers of Christ".

Vision & Belief 

Where we came from...
Evergreen Church in Stevens Point was founded in May 2004 with the desire to be a “different kind of church.” Starting in a basement and having overcome various difficulties, God has been faithful to Evergreen Church as many people have become Christians and changed the course of their life forever! Today we "do" church every week in a commericial storefront location that used to be home to a hardware and applicance store. God is at work changing people's lives and calling them into ministry of service for the sake of the gospel.

Who we are...
Our people literally come from all walks of life and are people who, maybe like you, were looking for a church that is meaningful and facilitates an authentic relationship with God and others. Together, we're striving to become the kind of church described in the Bible, where there's relevant teaching, heart-felt worship, honest friendships, constant prayer, and compassionate care for those in need.

Our Purpose….
Evergreen Church filters every idea, program and budget request through our purpose statement. If what we plan doesn’t help us meet our purpose, then we don’t do it.

Our purpose at Evergreen Church is summarized in a single statement:

“To make disciples of all people in all places and teach them to become fully devoted followers of Christ.”